Knowing about a few simple ways to polish your platinum jewelry comes in handy in maintaining the luster and charm of these valuable and precious items for a longer time. And this article tells you how to go about it…
It is said that, “A diamond is forever!” Of course it is, but if we speak with reference to metallic objects, a platinum jewelry is surely a long-lasting item. Reputed as one of the most expensive and precious metals, platinum is adorned in the form of wedding and engagement rings. Although the jewelry looks similar to silver or white gold, it is significantly way more expensive. The best way to know that you are buying the right stuff is to look for the stamp ‘950pt’ or ‘850pt’ on the inside of the jewelry. Also, a platinum ring would be twice as heavy as that of a white gold or silver of the same size.
Also known as the “little silver of the Pinto River”, this metal is known for its high density, malleability, ductility and resistance to corrosion. Also because the metal can significantly resist wear and protect itself from being tarnished, it is a popular choice for making fine jewelry. And all such properties of the metal, along with one of extremely high melting point, make it an asset for various industrial applications or projects. Given such properties, platinum jewelry is easy to care for, and does not require the aid of pricey tools or methods.
DIY Tips on Polishing Platinum Jewelry at Home
O The first thing you need to ensure that your jewelry does not have any scratch marks over it. And if there are any, then you need to file the jewelry. First do it with a diagonal movement, and then file it again in the same manner, but in a direction perpendicular to the first.
O After filing, there may remain some file marks. Remove them using an abrasive paper; the finer the better.
O The surface of the jewelry must be reduced to a 600 grit finish on the bench.
O The next step is to burnish the platinum jewelry. Experts recommend the use of a polished tungsten burnisher. It can be done by hand, or tumbling devices.
O One thing you must ensure is that the surface of the burnisher is highly polished. This is because, if it is scratched, it would scratch the jewelry as well.
O Using oil of wintergreen keeps the burnisher from marring the platinum jewelry.
O The 8000 grit polishing compound is especially formulated for polishing platinum jewelry. It provides a fast and bright final polish.
O Finally, get a dry soft cloth. Place the jewelry in the cloth and gently run it between the fingers.
Cleaning Platinum Jewelry
For best results, you can do a bit of cleaning before going for the polishing, and the below would let you know how.
Things You Would Require:
- Mild dish soap or liquid
- Warm water
- Container (big or small; depending upon the jewelry size)
- Toothbrush (preferably sift-bristled)
- A clean microfiber (or a buffing cloth)
O Make a mix of the soap or liquid with warm water. Ensure that the solution is foamy enough and not too diluted.
O Now using the toothbrush, dust your jewelry ensuring that it is free of any debris.
O Place the jewelry in the soapy solution, and give it a time of about a minute or two.
O Thereafter, scrub the jewelry, concentrating more on the areas that have become unsightly.
O Place the jewelry back into the solution, and let it sit for about a minute.
O And finally, rinse the jewelry properly in cold running water, and let it air dry. After a few minutes you can use a microfiber to get rid of any water spots, and polish your asset to outshine the usual.
How to Care for Your Platinum Jewelry
# The best place to keep your platinum jewelry is a jewelry box, and not beside or tangled up with other jewelry items. Keeping your jewelry separate help to keep them scratch free.
# I had mentioned the use of a mixture of a mild dishwashing soap and warm water as a cleaning solution for the jewelry, alternatively, you can also use a natural jewelry tarnish cleaner. Such products contain natural ingredients and provide better results.
# Although, it may be like a bothersome chore to remove your platinum ring, bangles and the likes while doing household work, gardening, or any heavy work, it helps in keeping your jewelry safe and less vulnerable to tarnish. Also, while working with harsh chemicals, it is imperative to remove the jewelry. Although such substances would not affect the platinum, they may affect gems or diamonds in the jewelry.
If after polishing your platinum jewelry using the above tips, scratches appear, then get it polished and cleaned by a professional jeweler, at least twice a year. One of the worth mentioning qualities about platinum is that, unlike other precious metals like gold, it merely gets displaced on the surface when it is scratched, and does not decrease in volume. And this is why, even after being worn for many years, a platinum jewelry rarely gets thin.