Fashion, a visual treat, has its dark side too! Succumbing to its charm can come at the cost of social mockery, and a hole in your pocket. Find out whether you are one of those, who cannot go a week without spending on haute couture.
When a woman alters her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.
~ Versace
We are all victims of our thoughts and perspectives. Held prisoners in these premises, we seldom think beyond them. But when you solely work from within these walls, the effect of these thoughts on your actions can prove to be harmful. And the fashion enthusiast trapped within such confines turns into a fashion victim. The latter is, unfortunately, who falls for every fashion trick and treat. The need to follow the trend is so pressing, that very little thought is given to how it would look on the given body type. Instead of being fashionable, these people end up being out of place and inappropriately dressed.
But how do you know whether you are falling prey to fashion’s beguiling voice? Self-analysis is quite biased and a one-sided affair. It serves no purpose, as you end up analyzing your idea of perfect, which seems to remain perfect at all times. Instead, Fashionhance presents a five-minute quiz, so that you know your fashion quotient.
At the end of the quiz, you may know where you stand. Being a fashion victim isn’t necessarily the tag you would want to have. Sporting flashy colors, pointy shoes, absurdly tall heels, vulgar transparent clothes, and uncomfortably tiny skirts and shorts are not needed to look good or fashionable. Being in vogue is about wearing your style with your attitude. A style that complements and reflects your personality, and allows you to be who you are, rather than look like someone you never will be.